Trevor and I got married in March 2019. We have been together since October 2016. We truly are the best of friends and we have always wanted to build a family together. We love to go to places like museums, aquariums, the beach, and we love to travel outside of the country!
We decided to start trying for a baby in April of 2019. Month after month of negative pregnancy tests, I started to question why I could not get pregnant. No one could give us answers. I wasn’t aware of having any type of condition. Trevor stayed positive the entire time, which was good, because every month, I felt as if my heart broke each time.
I switched doctors for the third time to try and get more answers. After some testing, we knew the problem was not with Trevor. At this point, I did everything they told me to do. I lost weight and I changed my diet completely. I felt like no one was listening to me.
Finding hope at SGF
We finally made the decision to call Shady Grove Fertility. Our consultation appointment was scheduled for February 2021. During our consultation appointment, Dr. Bromer said “I believe you will get pregnant by the end of this year.” His confidence made us feel the most hopeful we had ever felt throughout this entire journey! He knew exactly what we needed to do to get pregnant! There was no hesitation.
When I received a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), I felt a sense of relief. As I researched PCOS, the knowledge I gained helped me make huge lifestyle changes to manage the diagnosis. I felt like I had control of my body again. The realization that I would struggle to have a baby was something that took a little bit to feel okay with. However, Dr. Bromer’s optimism made us feel as if there was hope and a future for us as parents!
Staying positive
The treatment experience was the most exhausting yet amazing experience ever! We live two hours away from SGF’s Frederick location. There were times we were there every other day and it was very tiring. We kept telling each other it was going to be worth it. We knew the outcome would be beautiful.
We needed to keep a positive mindset the entire time. Because the blood work, the ultrasounds, the appointments — it can become overwhelming. I kept telling myself how amazing I would feel when I heard my baby’s heartbeat for the first time!
In September of 2021, we did our first treatment cycle. I had three mature eggs and Dr. Bromer gave us the go ahead to trigger that night!
It worked the first time.
Photos by Wolford Photography
The most beautiful thing
I saw our baby’s heartbeat at six weeks. It was the most beautiful thing in the entire world. I will never forget that moment. I remember holding my breath and closing my eyes. Once I saw the heartbeat, it felt like the room around me disappeared and all I could see was her on that screen.
My due date was June 13, 2022. Our sweet Evelyn Jane decided to make her appearance early and was born on May 9, 2022. The entire experience was amazing.
Our dreams came true
Experiencing infertility and seeking treatment is a lot to go through. But the people at SGF make it so much easier. Our nurse Jody became someone who will always be a forever person in our lives. She is so special and has a heart of gold! Our baby girl will know how special Jody is to us! I can’t thank SGF enough for listening and caring. Dr. Bromer knew exactly where to start, and he gave us the reassurance we needed. Because of SGF, our dreams came true!
It truly is a beautiful journey. For months and months, I would cry to Trevor and ask him “when is it going to be our turn?” It’s so hard to not give up! I never expected our fertility journey to be this way. But to this day, every time I look into our baby girl’s eyes, I say to myself “I would do it all over again, a million times.” All of the traveling and expenses were worth it!
What I learned
Throughout our journey, I learned how much I can handle. I thought about giving up a few times, but I kept going. I found it is great to have a support system. My husband was the best support system ever. I learned how beautiful my body was and how it is also capable of keeping up with everything. I learned a lot about patience and time. I wanted a baby so bad that I felt it fogged reality for me. I was able to tell myself that it takes time and patience to get the things in life that you want the most. Our daughter is a reminder that the ending is so beautiful and precious.