Stephanie Brownridge, M.D.

Board Certified Board Certified

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Eligible

SGF New York and RMA of New York have joined forces to create a stronger and more comprehensive practice aimed at benefiting our patients in various ways. This partnership is geared towards improving access to high-quality care, advancing scientific research, elevating the patients experience, and ultimately improving outcomes for all!

Beginning January 1, 2024, SGF New York physicians will practice under RMA of New York. To schedule with a New York physician, please do so here.

Patient Testimonial
Shady Grove Fertility provides exceptional care and support under the expertise, knowledge and professionalism of Dr. Patounakis. He is incredibly successful at his work as well as thorough, compassionate and patient. I highly recommend Dr. Patounakis and the entire team at Shady Grove Fertility.

Dr. Kim and team are the best of the best. We switched clinics and have had a great experince. He truly listens to your concerns, never does the same thing twice, and is very involved in your journey. I would refer anyone to go to there in a heartbeat!

I had a wonderful experience with IVF at Shady Grove. The staff were incredibly friendly and supportive throughout the entire process. I am especially grateful for Dr. Sally Vitez, whose positivity and expertise made a significant difference. I couldn’t be more thankful for her and the entire team!

Dr. Kim is an amazing doctor and person. Since our first encounter with him, we just knew we were in the right hands. He is so very detailed, thorough, and kind hearted. He makes you feel comfortable from the moment you meet him.

Dr. Barnard is absolutely lovely and answered all my questions. She is very personable and kept us updated throughout the whole fertility process.

Dr. Barnard was extremely nice and helpful throughout the whole process. My wife is now pregnant and we couldn’t be happier!


Stephanie Brownridge, M.D., is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) and board eligible in reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). Dr. Brownridge received her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, graduating with honors as a premedical student with a minor in Women’s Studies. She received her medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan. She then completed her residency in OB/GYN at Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health in New York, New York. From there, Dr. Brownridge trained in REI at Northwell Health Fertility. During this time, Dr. Brownridge developed the Women’s Comprehensive Care Program at Northwell Health Fertility that integrated a team of physicians across departments to better serve the needs of the patients and the community.

Dr. Brownridge has contributed to numerous publications and presentations, focusing on topics such as fertility preservation, mental health during fertility treatments, fertility care for transgender patients, and donor egg treatment, among others. She is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).

Dr. Brownridge provides patient care at SGF New York’s Uptown Manhattan location. She has a particular passion for recurrent implantation failure/recurrent pregnancy loss, PCOS, unexplained infertility, egg freezing, LGBTQIA+, and single mother by choice.

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  • Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health, New York, New York   
  • Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Northwell Health Fertility, Northwell Health, New York, New York
  • Margaret Crotty Educational Advancement Award – Research Grant
  • Award for Academic Excellence, Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG)
  • Resident Compassion Award
  • Josef Singer Award, CREOG
  • Frederick Silverman Award
  • American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
  • European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
  • The evolving landscape of donor egg treatment: success, women’s choice, and anonymity. Peyser A, Brownridge S, Rausch M, Noyes N. JARG. March 2021. 
  • The impact of preimplantation genetic testing on prenatal diagnostic procedures. Gulersen M, Baum (Brownridge) S, Bornstein E, Krantz D, Singer T, Divon MY. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. Oct 2019. 
  • Fertility Issues in Transgender Care, in Transgender Medicine. Telis L, Baum (Brownridge) S, Singer T, Berookhim B. Poretsky L (ed). Humana Press. 2019.  
  • Management Options for a Patient with Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in a Mature Cystic Teratoma of the Ovary. Baum (Brownridge) S, DiGregorio K, Alhassan R, Jormark S, Villella J. Journal of Experiment Therapeutics and Oncology. July 2018.  
  • Hysteroscopic Findings in the Endometriosis Patient, in Hysteroscopy. Seckin T, Chu A, Baum (Brownridge) S. In: Tinelli A, Alonso Pacheco L, Haimovich S (eds). Springer, Cham. 2018.  


I became a reproductive endocrinologist because I truly believe it is the best field in the world. No other field has the level of major medical advances moving us toward a promising future, combined with the ability to help individuals and couples achieve their family-building goals. I can educate, advocate, support, and empower patients. To me, it is the most fascinating and rewarding field. 

My interest in reproductive endocrinology developed when I was in medical school. I knew I wanted to focus on women’s health and enjoyed the endocrinology component of OB/GYN. I love that I can play a part in family building, reproductive choice, and supporting women through their journey, which I hope to make a little bit easier and share in their success. There are many happy moments in this field.  

In addition to the many adorable babies that have been born, I am most proud of the fact that each patient who walks through our door is a person who sought treatment and quality care during what can be a particularly challenging time, and that we hopefully were able to provide that support and allow the patient to breathe a little more easily during their journey. SGF has the infrastructure to provide patients with the resources they need. In addition, SGF has a large geographic footprint. Patients have continued their care in another SGF location after moving or while traveling! Also, I am proud of the impressive and groundbreaking research at SGF.

I practice medicine by the philosophy that the diagnosis is most often revealed by listening to the patient. I listen to the story, the questions, and the concerns; even if a patient doesn’t know where to start, all I need to know is why you walked through the door, and we go from there. When it comes to infertility, I believe one of the greatest struggles is the amount of time that passes while waiting, and it is my goal to find a diagnosis and an appropriate and effective treatment to make the process more seamless. 

Every patient inspires me! I work with patients who know they will achieve their goals and will keep moving forward until they get there. I work with transgender patients exploring and securing their reproductive future. I work with patients who have challenging medical conditions. I work with single mothers by choice. All these patients inspire me!

I don’t have ambitious travel goals so I will go with the one thing that must be achieved in my lifetime: understanding what will allow a healthy embryo to implant at a rate of just about as close to 100% as possible! Also, I would love to learn to cook. 

My high school superlative was “most scholastic.” My family and friends would describe me as determined and occasionally funny (I hope!), and my patients would describe me as thorough, caring, and compassionate. I strive every day to live up to this reputation.