My name is Joanna and I’ve donated my eggs twice at Shady Grove Fertility. Becoming an egg donor has been the best and most impactful decision I’ve made in life so far. Seriously.

I recently joined the egg donor team at SGF because I wanted to help women better understand the process so that they can also have this experience. Being a part of this phenomenal team gives me the opportunity to share my personal recommendations AND be able to help other women through the process. So, here goes…my heartfelt recommendations to you.

Ask questions!

At first, I’ll admit, I had a lot of questions about the egg donation process. I think there are so many myths surrounding donation that I knew very few actual truths before I got started. However, I quickly learned, the women on the donor egg team offer a plethora of knowledge about the egg donation process and all things regarding fertility. During my egg donation was the first time I had ever really hyper-focused on my fertility, and I asked a ton a questions. I asked about my own fertility, I asked about the process from beginning to end, and I asked a lot about my own health during and after the procedure. The staff was always so gracious about answering. During Donor Day, a nurse practitioner even explained in detail to me the science behind my donation. Coming from a non-science background, I appreciated having the process simplified for me. The donor egg team is a great resource and we are always willing to answer your questions—big or small— so don’t be shy!

Invest in the education Shady Grove Fertility is giving you.

I have to be honest here; my general sex education was almost nonexistent. When I had my first ultrasound, I saw something completely different than what I had imagined. My favorite part of the egg donation process was learning about the growth of my follicles and what that meant in relation to my eggs. I enjoyed learning about fertility and the different factors that play into having a baby. Did you know that there’s only about a 20 percent chance of pregnancy each month in a young, healthy couple—how fascinating! Use the resources that are available to you, meaning the donor team here at Shady Grove Fertility. Many on the team have been with the practice for many years. We are all here to make your experience as meaningful and informed as possible.

Think about what you would want your recipient to know.

The Egg Donor Profile is one of the most important elements of your egg donation process. It is the only piece of information the recipient will have about you. I strongly encourage you to “humble brag”—that’s right, I’m telling you to let your accomplishments shine. Whether you’re an expert on the ukulele, have a secret talent for painting, study genetics in your free time, or set the mile time record for your college—you should share that. Remember that your decision to donate is remarkable and your recipients will want to know and appreciate who you are!

Journal your “why.”

My grandmother looked at me one day and said “write down why you did this, you’ll want to remember it when you’re my age.” My “why” was very likely similar to yours: I wanted to help someone. I think as humans we are instinctively drawn to people who need help—especially if we can do something about it. I felt that by becoming an egg donor I was giving love without ever needing to or being able to receive it in return—a truly fulfilling experience. I chose to help two happy humans make a tiny human out of love and I am both in awe of their strength and grateful to have been trusted by them to join them on this journey.

Recognizing why I chose to become an egg donor motivated me throughout the process. On the days when I wanted to hit snooze rather than be on time for an appointment, I reflected on that conversation with my grandmother and why egg donation was truly one of the best things I’ve had the opportunity to do with my life, and it got me right out of bed.

Always say hello and drink your Gatorade.

From the receptionist who checks you in each morning, to the lovely clinician who draws your blood, to the sonographer and doctor seeing you—everyone is so very grateful for you! During my journey, I made new friends including a wonderful sonographer who even noticed when I cut my hair mid-cycle. She was so cheerful each day, which I always appreciated. During my early morning monitoring appointments, we would chat about our evenings, yoga, and local happenings. I was so comfortable with her. One piece of advice she shared with me that I will share with you is to drink Gatorade. During the donation process there will be a time where you might experience some bloating, similar to what you may experience during a normal period. Gatorade was so helpful at relieving the bloating; I still use this tip, even now that my donation journey is complete.

Take this to heart!

As I said, being an egg donor was an amazing experience for me and I hope you will find the same. Everyone at Shady Grove Fertility made me feel so special and it all started with that one sonographer noticing my haircut! This was the best decision I’ve ever made.


If you’re interested in learning more about the egg donation process, call us at 1-888-Donate Eggs.