The majority of 25 year olds are worrying about what to wear to the bar on the weekend, or what date kind of date night they should have, or even who they would want to hang out with. My story, on the other hand, was a little different – I was a newlywed with severe baby fever.
My friends just thought I was obsessed with getting pregnant and if I relaxed, had a glass of wine, I would get pregnant. What they didn’t understand was that I was struggling with infertility at 25. My husband knew much more about my menstrual cycle than any man should know. TTC, OPKs, CM, BBT, HPTs, and BFN were all in my vocabulary and used on a daily basis. If you are new to the realm of conception let me translate:
- TTC = trying to conceive
- OPK = ovulation predictor kit
- CM = cervical mucus
- BBT = basil body temperature
- HPT = home pregnancy test
- BFN = big fat negative
I became so focused on getting pregnant that I changed my diet, had weekly acupuncture appointments, practiced yoga for fertility, and when my fertility app said that I’m fertile, I believed it. I didn’t understand why my period would be two to three weeks late and why my ovulation predictor kits would never smile at me. I talked to my OB/GYN and she suspected PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). After I left my OB/GYN, I made the decision to come to Shady Grove Fertility to get checked out.
After meeting with Dr. Michael Levy and getting my protocol to do an IUI, I finally felt like I had answers. When I started pre-screening and was in the waiting room, I noticed one thing: I was one of the youngest amongst the crowd. I felt judged. The patients and their spouses would watch me sign in then pick a chair to sit in. They would look up from their magazines or books and just peek at me from above their glasses. I felt like there were tons of eyes just staring at me and wondering what I’m doing in the waiting room if I’m so young. I wanted to stand up and scream “Infertility Does Not Discriminate!” We went through three Clomid timed-intercourse cycles with the OB/GYN, and three FSH injectable IUI cycles before I finally got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.
Once I started working at Shady Grove Fertility, I quickly figured out that I was not the youngest patient. I have seen patients as young as 18 who have struggled with infertility. I can honestly say, after going through infertility at 25, it has opened my mind about other peoples’ struggles. Every person has their own story and their own journey that they’re going through. All we can do is be supportive and lend an ear.
If you are having trouble trying to conceive, it may be time schedule an appointment at Shady Grove Fertility, please speak with one of our New Patient Liaisons at 877-971-7755.