Tips for Completing Your Egg Donor Profile
The Egg Donor Profile is the second phase of the application process and is one of the most important steps to become an egg donor. The Egg Donor Profile is included in the screening process because it not only allows us to learn more about our applicants, but once complete, it serves as the only document that donor egg recipients will receive to help them select their egg donor.
Get started: check your email
Once you are initially accepted to become an egg donor, you will receive an email from with your username and password. If you submitted an application and have not received a response, check your spam or junk mail.
Guidelines and expectations
The Egg Donor Profile consists of personal and family medical history, interests, personal accomplishments and goals, photos, and much more. Be comprehensive, thorough, and let your personality shine.
If you have lost your username and password, please email
3 tips for completing your Donor Profile
1. Compiling your medical history
We are looking for your personal medical history, your immediate family, and even extended family medical history.
2. Selecting photos
Even though all of our egg donors have the opportunity to remain unidentified and not share their adult photos, each egg donor is still required to submit adult pictures. Egg donor applicants are required to submit two adult photos and five childhood photos. All childhood photos must be between the ages of four and eleven (newborn photos are adorable, but we are looking for your pictures where we can see more of your older adorable characteristics).
Should you need help uploading pictures, completing your profile, or getting your questions answered, please contact our donor liaisons.
3. Writing your personal statements/essays
This is an opportunity to share more about your personality, interests, goals, and reason for donating with prospective recipients. They want to know who you are, so let yourself shine!