SGF is home to the largest Donor Egg Program in the country, and patients from all over the world turn to us when they are seeking an egg donor. Each year, we work with thousands of women donors who are interested in helping people become parents through egg donation.
This year marks an especially significant practice milestone, with 8,000 babies born from donor egg at SGF. We would not be able to celebrate this momentous occasion if it weren’t for our egg donors.
While we are proud of this new milestone, 8,000 donor egg babies born holds a more substantial meaning. It means there are 8,000 more mothers in the world who held their newborn’s tiny hand as he fell asleep in their arms. It means there are 8,000 more fathers who heard their daughter coo the word “Dada.” It means 8,000 more stories can be told.
With this milestone comes a thank you to someone else. A thank you to all of the women who decided to donate their eggs. Without the incredible generosity of our egg donors, priceless moments like this could not be celebrated. Each woman in the program has made a wish come true.
One of our Ireland patients shared her message of gratitude for her egg donor:
“Thank you a million, million, million times for giving him, and us, life. Thank you for the better life we have being his parents. Thank you for allowing for us to be Santa, have birthday parties, and be called ‘mom and dad.’ Thank you for the opportunity to see life through the eyes of our child; the hugs, the love, the chaos, the crisis over a missing toy and the messy car… we love it all. Honestly, we couldn’t love and cherish him any more than we do. We are proud to be his parents.”
SGF physicians and patients say “thank you” to all of our past, present and future egg donors. Egg donors make parenthood possible.